Confessions of a Car Man


Sales Managers (Part 3)

In my opinion the number one thing that all good sales managers possess is the ability to place themselves mentally in front of the customer from the information provided by the salesman. They can look at a deal, quickly come up with a plan of attack, and work it to a successful conclusion.

The trick here, of course, is making sure the salesman knows how to write a deal up properly. Many a car deal has gotten off to a shaky start or blown completely by a salesman screwing up his commitment or paperwork. A good manager trains his salesmen properly, but if they screw up he must still be able to weed through the bullshit and find a deal.

Good sales managers have even personalities. They are not quick to anger or panic when things get tough. This is especially true during busy times. Can he work one, two or more deals at the same time and be able to transition back and forth in a competent manner?

Good sales managers do not make dinner dates at 7:30 if the dealership is open until 7:00. This is especially true on the weekends. He has to have a life outside of work, but he must bear in mind that the livelihood of his crew is dependent on him. When he leaves the house each morning, he has to be prepared for the possibility of a very long day.

Good sales manages know what they can take from a customer, and take when they can get. You don’t want to push a customer to the point where they get pissed off and leaves or torches you on the CSI, but on the other hand you don’t want to leave any money on the table if you can help it.

I’m a firm believer that you work every deal to its maximum and take every deal unless it doesn’t make any sense at all. For instance, you don’t want to take a short gross on a nice used car, or a new car that is hot on the market. But if it’s a car or truck that is easily replaced, you take every deal! Do not let a customer go if you have a gross! Do not get yourself in the situation where have to you ask your salesman to call a customer back because you have now decided to take the deal! This really pisses off the Car God. Besides, the customer is probably in F&I at another dealership at that very moment!

The bond of trust between a sales manager and his salesmen is paramount. When a salesman puts his write up on the desk, he should have the feeling that it is in good hands.
If he doesn’t, bad vibes and chaos will commence.

A desk man is in the eye of the storm. If things go well, he makes money for the dealership, the salesmen, and himself. If things go wrong he looks like an asshole. It is sometimes a no win situation. Caught between the dealer and the salesmen, it can feel like he’s caught in a vice.

But, hey. That’s why they pay you the big bucks, right?

Talk to you later,


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